Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
Peter Helliar: The Craft of Comedy

Peter Helliar: The Craft of Comedy


How do you create great comedy? How do you build a successful creative career?

Peter Helliar is one of Australia's biggest stand-up comedians. He was on TV every night for eight years as a panelist

on The Project. He had his own network sitcom, How to Stay Married. He's a rockstar of the Melbourne Comedy Festival. He was nominated for Australia's biggest…

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Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
The world has never been more connected. Yet never more divided. We yell at each other from inside our echo chambers. But change doesn’t happen inside an echo chamber. It’s time to get out, to stretch our legs, to step on some land mines. It's time to have an uncomfortable conversation with Josh Szeps.