What’s Uncomfortable Conversations?
It’s your safe space for dangerous ideas.
It’s a refuge from groupthink. A reprieve from phoney argumentation. It’s a blowhard-free zone.
No stale talking points. No tiptoeing around sensitive issues.
Lively and unexpected, it’s the podcast where the world’s most interesting minds come to make sense.
With this guy.
Josh Szeps was a public radio broadcaster until he was cancelled from his own talk show for being “too spicy”.
Now, he wrestles freely with taboos.
Sharply, whimsically, without partisan hackery.
With some of the most fascinating minds in the world.
Join Josh as he rumbles with the likes of
Sam Harris
Bari Weiss
Stephen Fry
Keith Urban
Douglas Murray
Jimmy Carr
…and so many more provocative minds about the most challenging questions of our time.
But what, pray tell, does the Podfather think
(after Josh was on the Joe Rogan Experience for the seventh time)
You might’ve caught ‘ole Szepsie on Chris Williamson’s Modern Wisdom
on Rich Roll
or Triggernometry
Josh is the only person whom Sam Harris has entrusted to co-host his own show, Making Sense, twice.
But this, right here, is the place to get your fix of sanity.
And here’s a pair of service dogs on a plane. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything but it’s fun
Don’t be limp. Be powerful.
The world has never been more connected, yet never more divided.
Social media—and a lot of the rest of the media, too, these days—is tailor-made to pander to what you already believe, or to distort what you don’t. It reinforces biases and exaggerates our divisions.
From inside our echo chambers, we rail at our opponents’ narrow-mindedness.
But change doesn’t happen in an echo chamber.
Uncomfortable Conversations is a VOTE. A vote against groupthink.
It’s a vote for a world that’s less toxic, less judgmental, less insane. A world that’s more rambunctious, more enlivening, and more enlightened.
It’s a vote for a world in which gatekeepers won’t control what you hear. Neither the old gatekeepers—legacy media companies—nor the new ones. Algorithms.
It’s time to call it as it is. To step on some land mines.