The only ‘plan’ that would end the Israel-Palestine conflict is if all the Jews in the region left (and go where?) or were killed (the preferred option). That’s the only thing most Palestinians want because that’s all they’ve ever been taught to want. They’re not interested in peaceful coexistence or two-state solutions. Anyone who doesn’t believe me can watch The Ask Project on YouTube and hear it straight from the horses’ mouthes:
A poll by the Jewish People Policy Institute found that approximately 80% of Jewish Israelis agreed with the proposal that Palestinians in Gaza should move to another country.
Firstly, that was some serious statistical mumbo jumbo that contradicted itself left, right and centre.
Secondly, you're talking about how Israelis feel about Palestinians in Gaza at this current moment - post October 7, post the hostages (50+ of which they're still holding, although half are probably dead) and post this war and the need to rebuild Gaza and get rid of those f***ing terror tunnels they should never have been allowed to build with billions of dollars in foreign aid in the first place. That's completely different to how Israelis feel about Palestinians in general - including those in the West Bank - and have felt about them since Israel was established in 1948. The majority have always wanted peaceful coexistence and still do. The majority of Palestinians, on the other hand, have always wanted a genocide of the Jews and still do. As I said, just watch video after video of The Ask Project on YouTube and you'll see. There's a distinct difference between how Israelis talk about Palestinians and how Palestinians talk about Israelis.
Finally, do you really blame Israelis for wanting Palestinians in Gaza removed at this point in time? They don't want to harm them. In fact, many would probably jump at the chance to get out of Gaza and move on with their lives. (You can't call it an 'open air prison' for 20 years and then cry 'ethnic cleansing' when you're given the option to leave.) And they don't necessarily want them gone forever. They just don't want to live next door to a jihadi terrorism launch pad. The 'land for peace' project in Gaza failed. Totally, utterly and completely failed. It was the antithesis of 'holding up your end of the bargain'. It's time for a different approach. But Trump's 'plan' is to be taken with a grain of salt right now. We're no where near knowing what's in store for Gaza. Hamas is still in power and still holding hostages.
Your data was contradictory and lacked nuance. Yet you seemed to think it made some kind of definitive point. What point was that? That both sides are equally to blame? F*** no, they're not. Not even close.
Elly you’re exactly right. Most people don’t even understand or know the true history of. The whole Middle East is nothing but Muslims now because they slaughtered everyone who once lived there. Islam is a disease that needs wiped out
Unfortunately the Palestinians will allow peace. That’s been proven time and time again. The Arab nations need to let them go live there. It’s the Islamic religion to kill Jews and Christians.
I often notice that small but important details are being left out of ABC reporting (written or on TV), which spin a story a certain way, but change it profoundly when one digs a little deeper. It’s the old ‘what nobody mentioned…’
The only ‘plan’ that would end the Israel-Palestine conflict is if all the Jews in the region left (and go where?) or were killed (the preferred option). That’s the only thing most Palestinians want because that’s all they’ve ever been taught to want. They’re not interested in peaceful coexistence or two-state solutions. Anyone who doesn’t believe me can watch The Ask Project on YouTube and hear it straight from the horses’ mouthes:
A poll by the Jewish People Policy Institute found that approximately 80% of Jewish Israelis agreed with the proposal that Palestinians in Gaza should move to another country.
“Altogether, more than eight out of ten Jewish Israelis support the plan.”
I suggest google or chatgpt to find other sources if you interested in further learning. Let me know if you need a brief tutorial.
Firstly, that was some serious statistical mumbo jumbo that contradicted itself left, right and centre.
Secondly, you're talking about how Israelis feel about Palestinians in Gaza at this current moment - post October 7, post the hostages (50+ of which they're still holding, although half are probably dead) and post this war and the need to rebuild Gaza and get rid of those f***ing terror tunnels they should never have been allowed to build with billions of dollars in foreign aid in the first place. That's completely different to how Israelis feel about Palestinians in general - including those in the West Bank - and have felt about them since Israel was established in 1948. The majority have always wanted peaceful coexistence and still do. The majority of Palestinians, on the other hand, have always wanted a genocide of the Jews and still do. As I said, just watch video after video of The Ask Project on YouTube and you'll see. There's a distinct difference between how Israelis talk about Palestinians and how Palestinians talk about Israelis.
Finally, do you really blame Israelis for wanting Palestinians in Gaza removed at this point in time? They don't want to harm them. In fact, many would probably jump at the chance to get out of Gaza and move on with their lives. (You can't call it an 'open air prison' for 20 years and then cry 'ethnic cleansing' when you're given the option to leave.) And they don't necessarily want them gone forever. They just don't want to live next door to a jihadi terrorism launch pad. The 'land for peace' project in Gaza failed. Totally, utterly and completely failed. It was the antithesis of 'holding up your end of the bargain'. It's time for a different approach. But Trump's 'plan' is to be taken with a grain of salt right now. We're no where near knowing what's in store for Gaza. Hamas is still in power and still holding hostages.
All I did was present the current data that supported my simple statement. The data stands.
Your data was contradictory and lacked nuance. Yet you seemed to think it made some kind of definitive point. What point was that? That both sides are equally to blame? F*** no, they're not. Not even close.
Elly you’re exactly right. Most people don’t even understand or know the true history of. The whole Middle East is nothing but Muslims now because they slaughtered everyone who once lived there. Islam is a disease that needs wiped out
Unfortunately the Palestinians will allow peace. That’s been proven time and time again. The Arab nations need to let them go live there. It’s the Islamic religion to kill Jews and Christians.
Sorry won’t allow peace
Last check no white flag has been waived by Hamas and they are still 60+ hostages captive.
Stop being duplicitous about what is and is not happening.
I often notice that small but important details are being left out of ABC reporting (written or on TV), which spin a story a certain way, but change it profoundly when one digs a little deeper. It’s the old ‘what nobody mentioned…’
Hi..... thank you for talking about all of it. Both sides and all others people's groups involved :)