Hi Josh. Not sure how you can categorize Mr. Valtz as post-culture war when in his first speech as VP candidate, he alluded to JD Vance fucking his couch...

Let's hope he returns to his less online self!

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Isn’t it a nice feeling to see a brighter future!

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Great show as usual Josh.

Please don't encourage the pronouncing of "WALZ!" like you are saluting the fuhrer.

Christoph Waltz has enough of a typecasting problem already....


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Oh, Josh. I love you to bits, but, oi, I think you are reading US politics really, really wrong.

1. Biden did not "hand the nomination" to Harris. The delegates he earned were free to vote for Harris, or not, and were not required to obey any directive Biden issued. (I don't recall hearing any directive, in any case.) These delegates voted for the ticket, and in Biden's withdrawal elected to switch to the other candidate on the ticket. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Nobody else bid for the nomination anyway, so who exactly was harmed?

2. Making Mitt Romney the Democratic nominee for president would be a disaster. First of all, it's far, far from certain that a pro-life, pro-big-business, anti-union, anti-same-sex-marriage would be able to consolidate the party behind him. But let's say, arguendo, the Democratic chief muckety-mucks manage to shoehorn him into the nomination. What's that going to do to the literally thousands of other races down ballot? Are John Tester and Bob Casey Jr. going to have to talk up the virtues of a guy they opposed when he ran against Obama. I suspect that donations, volunteerism and turnout would plummet if the party were to actually nominate Romney.

And, no, the fact that Democrats won't nominate a Republican does not mean Democrats don't think Trump is an existential threat. They might think that running Romney would pretty much assure that the existential threat gets into power. And I agree.

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This episode is really helpful! I had never heard of Mr. VALZ, and I feel I have a much better understanding of how he emerged from seeming nothingness to the limelight. I don't think this VP choice will switch me from a double hater to a Harris-VALZ supporter. That said, I at least have additional information to take into my future decision.

PS: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's funny to go with the strong German VALZ, accuracy be darned.

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Interesting (truly) perspective. It remains to be seen how Walz (pronounced Walls) @ Kamala respond to their actions & statements during the 2020 BLM riots.

Kamala had been a “tough on crime” prosecutor in San Francisco, with a strong anti-crime track record. That version of her disappeared when she ran for President in the 2019 Dem primary process. She pivoted to the left, erasing her track record, before dropping out of the primary.

There are several speeches online from Kamala when she was California’s attorney general. She talks about the need to keep felons off the street to the *benefit* of minority (black & poor) communities. She openly chides progressives who chant “build schools not jails”. We still need jails. I’d like to see and hear *that* Kamala when she speaks at the DNC convention.

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It’s interesting how her stance on crime in SF has been thoroughly vindicated since she left office, and yet it’s seen as the biggest strike against on her by the left. Maybe there’s more to it I don’t know though

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Quiet part no one wants to say out loud: there's a general amnesty for liberal white dudes in effect

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My first time listening to you. Totally delightful. Thank you!

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It’s a good argument. Definitely got me thinking

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