This recording seems to skip or cut in and out frequently. I’ve tried listening via Substack, Spotify and Apple. Is it just me?

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Josh, it's a bit strange to me that you're so hyper critical of Kamala's performance when Trump is barely coherent and totally unable to answer a basic question.

The bar for Kamala might be low, but it feels like we all ignore the fact that our bar for Trump is at the bottom of the ocean.

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Josh seems to have a contrarian reflex and advocates the opposite view of the person he is speaking with. Chas very clearly disliking Trump/love Democrats. It so hard to tell which one with Trump. That guy attracts and repels like no one else. Except Dan Andrew’s

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This was painful to listen to from a couple of perspectives, obviously audio but the unhelpful contrarin position was really difficult to wade through. Podcasters rarely look at comments these days but I hope these comments are reviewed by Josh.

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+1 to comments about Josh's voice cutting out. Chas and clips were fine. Love the show but the audio here makes the conversation very uncomfortable, in the wrong way.

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+1 for audio issues. Nobody else on the episode had issues, but Josh's audio kept cutting out, making it very hard to follow since key words were omitted. I tried with several listening devices and podcast platforms. Whatever you were using Josh, it seems to be a bit faulty!

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Trump got 8 more minutes of speaking time and got the last word on every question except for I think one. They continually turned his mic back on after the back and forth was over even though the rules were supposed to not allow it and the one time Harris tried it they shut her down.

I get podcasters like to get on the legacy media sucks bandwagon, but evenhanded doesn't mean fact checking both sides equally. When Harris gets something wrong about Trump's policy then it's up to Trump to defend himself. When Trump says Haitian immigrants are stealing people's dogs and eating them it's not Harris' responsibility to respond to that schizoid nonsense it's the responsibility of the city manager of that town which is what the ABC moderators allowed by doing the fact check with him.

Josh, you seemed to expect Harris to be better than Obama on the debate stage and Trump to be better than a trained chimpanzee. Both failed I last night, but I think one is a little more realistic of a standard.

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Good point about the speaking time but as Chas said they gave Kamala a pass on fact checking on a few important points. In addition to Chas’ example they did not pull her up on the “good people on both sides” charlottesville thing. I don’t really get why dems focus on that misrepresentation of trumps words when they have literally thousands of other examples to draw on.

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The both sides Charlottesville thing is tired, and it is wildly out of context, but Trump did say it - so he should be able to easily defend it. What I was saying is when the candidates said things like 'Trump says' or 'Harris says' they didn't get fact checked and I think that's fine. It's a candidate's responsibility to defend their own record.

But when Trump says things like 'no the sky's really green and the Democrats did it' that's when he got fact checked - and I think that's also fine. I haven't gone back through and looked for Harris saying comparatively batshit crazy things and maybe it's my own bias speaking, but I don't think she did. Maybe claiming the project 2025 plan as 'Trumps' plan when it's more accurate to say it's Trumps' old underlings' plan... but that's kind of nitpicky.

Moderators in debates are a contentious topic and have been for a long time. They always get criticized because i don't think it's possible to do a good job with the constraints the two parties put on the debates, but I don't think it's fair to claim it was a '3 on 1' debate not to mention the other batshit crazy conspiracies that are coming out about wifi earings and other nonsense.

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Yeah I was really looking forward to this podcast but unfortunately the audio problems mean I won’t be able to listen to the great ideas on display. Technical problems shouldn’t get in the way of the brilliant service you’re providing. Please solve it ASAP

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I was really looking forward to listening but the cutting out of Josh’s voice is doing my head in.

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Purely as feedback: Feed cuts out too much and you guys are talking over each other a lot.

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Wow this audio is terrible!!

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