When they were talking about the ways we try to justify our need for alcohol or nicotine, i was reminded of these Elbow lyrics.. beautiful insights into nicotine addiction:

“What can be said of the cigarette smokes

A prop for a joke or a mark on the clock

If I stopped would the bus ever come

Would the dawn ever kiss me, forgiven me, knowing what's done

Would the drivel make scribble make sense and then song

Would the woodbines denied black another man's lungs

Perverse as it may sound I sometimes believe

The tip to my lips just reminds me to breathe”

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The only two podcasts that I subscribe to in one episode. Venn diagram is circle

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This is my experience of naltrexone as a heroin addict, I had was going to a private clinic for help and they were giving me 200mls of Methadone a day this was in the 90s in London but the wheels were starting to fall off and I had had enough. I made a serious error by breaking down and telling my mother,next minute she had me booked into a private detox program in Harrogate if anyone doesn’t know at that level of Methadone which I’d been on for years takes a long time to come out of your system ,months it can take but I went and on the first day they told me to take my normal dose and they gave me loads and loads of tablets over the next 5 days but I only started withdrawing on the Thursday then on the Friday morning they gave me naltrexone which immediately sent me into severe withdrawals, I became that iill that I was taken to hospital and they stopped the naltrexone and made it possible that I could walk out of the door and return to London and then went straight back to it , I know it works especially in ODs I’ve got about 5 injectable pens but when it’s used with Methadone addicts you must do tests constantly until there is no more of that drug in your system, I’m clean now but I did it by dropping so much every week but I will never forget how ill I was and I’m just grateful that the naltrexone wasn’t put under my skin because I honestly would of dug it out.

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Interesting episode. Josh’s history with alcohol was quite different to what I had expected based on his limited comments over time about having given up drinking. Good on him for being open and honest with the audience. I agree with the move away from pathologising ‘alcoholics’ as people who can never touch a drink again for fear of descent into madness

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