Excellent episode!

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The guest flipped between ‘don’t get me started’ and ‘where do I start’ with tremendously overblown excitement fueled by several shots of expresso . Hard to listen to.

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Love the topic, but was she on speed or something? Although Josh did his best to structure the fire hose of information, nearly every time he spoke she was pinned on the interjection rev limiter with the brakes barely holding. Found it hard to listen to.

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I can't quite pinpoint if it's the accent or the pace of speaking or what, but she sounds exactly like Karen Straughan.

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A fascinating conversation.

A most sobering time for Canada and Canadian citizens.

I truly wish them well.

They must be bewildered as to why the USA (and make no mistake, the Republican Party are supporting his every move, and so are apparently tens of millions of Americans) has taken such a hostile stance towards them, out of all proportion to any perceived wrongdoings over border issues. None of this makes any sense.

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Too bad that it appears Canadians cannot understand that Trump only wants an end to the Fentanyl being delivered to American cities through the current Chinese/Canadian labs in Vancouver. Since there is no Canadian border control - the drug cartels easily cross the US northern border. CLOSE down the Fentanyl distribution - just like Mexico did with the Southern border - and Tariffs will end - similar to the removal of Mexican Tariffs. Seems like low hanging fruit...

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Because the excuse is errant bullshit. Canada is simply not a major source of fentanyl into the US. The DEA itself has acknowledged this.

Canada absolutely does have drug issues that need to be addressed - mostly damaging our own citizens - and the US has the right to turn itself into an autarkic economy if it wants, but claiming that the tariffs are rationally connected to the drug trade is insane. We are not run by Mexican drug cartels, either. Regardless of what Mr. Navarro claims. That is emotional propaganda designed to manipulate Americans into supporting tariffs that will increase their/your cost of living.


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Canadians hate “woke justice spending” as evidenced by Trudeau winning three consecutive elections…

Great guest! I like these “tell me about your strange country” episodes. Need more on Australia!

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